Welcome Spacegirl - I am also a UBM and Christmas time in our home is also difficult. I married an inactive jw a few decades ago and we celebrated xmas for many years. He took part in decorating including all of the outside decorations. Anytime jws would stop by he would lie and say it was all mine and he had no part in it. Fast forward 20++ years and those old jw ways and beliefs resurfaced. It got to the point that the arguments weren't worth it to me anymore and under pressure, I got rid of all my xmas decorations, including the sentimental ones. It was difficult to do and I regret it. A few years passed and I decided that I had given up enough to make the jws comfortable. I was the only one making the compromises. So I bought all new decorations and even though I'm enjoying them alone it's better than nothing. Sorry to ramble on so much about myself. My advice to you is to keep your decorations and make it clear from the beginning that you won't give up what is important to you.
I look forward to more posts from you